18 Tips to have a positive 2018

With the New Year already here for some and quickly approaching for others, it is best we have the tools necessary to not repeat mistakes, deny ourselves daily and love. Here are some tips to have a positive year!

  1. Be kind. You never know what someone else is going through. If you are going through something, it is easier to get through it by forcibly being kind to others. It matters the most when you don’t feel like it.
  2. Learn to say no. One of our biggest downfalls is saying yes when we want to say no, saying yes when God says no. Dig deep within your heart to grab some self-discipline. Let go of that person who persuades you to say yes after your initial answer was no. Say no and don’t go back on your no.
  3. Forgive yourself. We can’t go back in time so stop with the would’ve, could’ve and should’ve’s, they are not healthy. Yes, it will be hard but forgiving yourself will cause growth.
  4. Recognize your stagnant behaviors and strive to change them. As long as you are living, you will have to keep going. You have to fight the urge to become stuck or comfortable with nothing to do OR you will have nothing to do. We all hit stagnancy at times, but always strive to change negative behaviors. Being stagnant is toxic to your growth.
  5. Listen to the voice of the Lord. I am a firm believer that if God isn’t in it, it will fail. Whatever “it” is. Be sure that you have a open ear to hear the word of God so you can make sure He is ordering your steps.
  6. Save your money. Lord knows saving money has been a struggle for me. HOWEVER, saving money is essential to your overall “good” in 2018. This is not the year to splurge on Taco Bell and not have any gas money, Frances!!
  7. Don’t be impulsive. We all know that decisions can seem so good in the moment, but take a breath. Geez Frances, sleep on it. I know you want to do this and that but make sure God is in the middle of your decisions.
  8. Don’t allow your mistakes to define you. Yes, we are made up of flesh so we will make mistakes BUT we are also forgiven, Silly! Once you make your mistake or sin, please don’t allow your discouragement to cause you bask and wallow in the sin. Get up. Get out. Learn from everything — even your repeated mistakes, that’s telling you something.
  9. Don’t give up. Like me, trying to put 18 tips into words. It’s tiring, but I can bet I will finish.
  10. Take mental health days. Take them seriously.
  11. Have a vision of a better you. It might be a new year, same you. But, you also want to grow and flourish and you do that progressively.
  12. Take time to acknowledge the good things. Imagine if we said what we were thankful for instead of complaining. Your growth is located within the words you speak. Don’t just talk about the negative things.
  13. Stay away from gossip. Allow others to live their life because you are trying to live yours. You do not need the added negativity that comes with gossiping, it’s toxic. It prohibits growth. You block your blessings by cursing your neighbor.
  14. Watch your mouth. This is mainly a tip for myself. Cussing may or may not be a sin but God is not pleased with sugar, honey, or iced tea coming from my lips. SPEAK LIFE! Recently, I have become so engulfed in the Lord that if I do cuss, it is VERY forceful. If it is to easy talk negatively and dirty, take a look at your heart.
  15. SPEAK IT INTO EXISTENCE. (wow, that word looks really wrong lol.) Speaking life into things and claiming it as yours WILL IN FACT make it yours. The only catch is that this also has to be the will of God. But the fun thing about the will of the Lord is if you submit to His will, then your desires are His desires because His desires are your desires.
  16. Focus on yourself. Be about you and your Father’s business.
  17. Love (everyone). If you have a genuine default love for everyone and everything around, your life will be full of peace.
  18. Be yourself.

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