I am worth boundaries.

By definition, the term boundaries mean, “a line that marks the limit of an area.” When discussing boundaries in a spiritual perspective, it’s marked as borders or guidelines we set with one another (sometimes, when crossed, the borders interrupt the peaceful flow of situations) —  whether they be in relationships, friendships, or simply the way we act and react with ourselves and each other.

How worthy of boundaries do you think you are? In Psalms 147:14, the bible says, “He makes peace in your borders; he fills you with the finest of the wheat.”

The message I receive from the verse is he honors our boundaries we put up; especially in relationships and friendships with fleshly beings. Our Father specifically makes sure that we have peace within our boundaries. Under the authority of His will, he doesn’t allow anything to come against your relationship with Him that will kill you.

Often times, as people, we lose sight of boundaries when we reach a place of complacency. This place of complacency is usually stemming down from our deteriorating faith in God. So, we decide to make our own decisions without consulting Him. When we make these decisions on our own accord, we stray away from our Father’s will.

However within our Father’s will, these boundaries are created by Him. These boundaries are authored by Him. They are governed by the Holy Spirit that lives within you and your decision. Therefore, if your decision is a person, friend, or partner, with God at the forefront of it, the boundaries do not tarry.

So, when we go outside of God’s will to make these decisions, our boundaries are at stake. Outside of God’s will, it is VERY easy for the enemy to use you and “your decision” to go against the will of God and the purpose He has for your life.  Outside of God’s will, it is VERY easy for your WEAK flesh to be used against you. It is super duper easy for you to sin without boundaries.

This is why it is imperative we have set boundaries. It is very important we stay in God’s will so we can live within these boundaries remaining set free of lies and justifications from our flesh.

Boundaries can be:

  • Not having sex outside of marriage
  • Staying away from certain topics when conversing
  • How you will act behind close doors with others
  • How you will communicate with yourselves, friends, or relationship partners

Boundaries can be anything or any line you don’t want crossed. We serve a forgiving God, but we don’t want to take advantage of His grace and mercy. There will be a day when we have to give an account for our actions.

“For we are each responsible for our own conduct.” Galatians 6:5

I just wanted to encourage my readers, but most importantly myself, God is honoring our boundaries in this season IF we are obedient enough to keep ‘said’ boundaries. Frances, you are worth boundaries. There is no one person in the world worth forfeiting your relationship with Christ. Those people who come into your life, sowing seeds that goes against the Word of God, DO NOT belong in your life. These people are not God sent. They are meant to keep you from walking into your purpose — into your destiny. The principality and evil doer inside of them knows the power of the Gospel inside of you so by any means they want to destroy you. They don’t want you to be successful in Christ Jesus… in YAHWEH.

But God sent his Son many years ago to wage war on the enemy on our behalf so we don’t have to battle our demons alone… We have the Father, His Son, and their Holy Spirit warring and wining on our behalf. Don’t forget under God’s will we have complete victory.

I urge you to stay in God’s will, Frances and readers. He will direct your path.

He will honor your boundaries.

You are worth boundaries.

I am too.

Frances J. Hawkins





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