The DELIVERER is here.

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“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

In Daniel Chapter 3, we see His delivering power. Those three Jews were cast down to the furnace and the King had it turned up seven notches hotter, but the only people who were killed were the guards that put them in the fire. Daniel’s friends, the servants were known by different names in Chapter 3 of Daniel) were thrown in the fire and the king looked upon them and saw a fourth person in the fire with them. The king told the Jews, once he brought them out of the fiery furnace, that the fourth person looked like a god.


Turns out, it was THE God. The true and living God. God covered Daniel because he would not bow before idols, he would not bow and worship statues, and he would not worship the king. God used Daniel’s ill situation to showcase His glory. Could it be that God delivered Daniel to show that He is God and He is real?

I have a feeling that if we humble ourselves before God and boldly proclaimed the name of Jesus before man that God will honor us. God will save and deliver us from our fiery furnace. Daniel was innocent in this situation. He was wrongly and unjustly punished. But sometimes, we are not. Sometimes, we cause ourselves to be put in a fiery furnace. We won’t shut up or we won’t speak up. But, the DELIVERER is here. It doesn’t matter what we did. As long we humble ourselves and bow before His throne. The DELIVERER is here. Jesus died so we may be saved and cleansed of iniquities and transgressions. The DELIVERER is here. Once we submit ourselves and our lives to God, His promises will start coming to past.

Father God, You are our only deliverer.

Abba, You are true. Thank You for being our deliverer. We don’t deserve Your son, but You sent him anyway. You gave us the biggest sacrifice that we may have a relationship with You. God, show us Your Shekinah Glory. Rain on us, deliverance, O’ Father. Lord, I pray that our pain and our suffering may not be in vain. I pray that we will soon know You and Your glory like never before. God, people will start to realize that it was by Your grace that covered them and kept them during their pain and suffering. God please convict our hearts.. If it is unlike You, Lord take it away. God, deliver us from evil. Thank You for being our true Father. Friends and loved ones may fail us, but Your love and Your presence is never disappointing. God thank you.

In Jesus’ Name…




Photo: Fiery Furnace

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